Saturday 28 April 2012

Exegesis of my creation

I chose blogger for this web presence creation assignment. I like using blogger as it is also a first-hand experience to me. It is quite simple and ready to use as compared to other web 2.0 tools. I have decided beforehand to use you tube, Facebook and twitter as my contributing tools to assist me in this assignment. The references will also be from those web 2.0 tools. I also wanted to have a media platform where I can share what I care about the world. Seth Godin cited in (2008). I also wanted something more than a personal diary.

 Why did I choose this theme Forms of Exercise? Looking back on my school day and how I was active back then as an athlete was the reason I first decided to do a topic on exercise. I still exercise by the way as regularly as my schedule allows me to. Exercise to me is not just a physical part but an overall state of well-being. It garners the sense of balance and control over one’s health and energy outburst. I therefore aptly chose forms of exercises to illustrate the different possible ways to exercise. Included in my blog also is a short lecture on time management for a regular exercise routine. These are professionals and they have been safely tested and allowed to proceed.(Goldberg L. Elliot D.L. The Healing Power of Exercise, John Wiley and Sons.)

 When bloggers happen to view my posts and follow them, they can be assured that they are in safe hands for no bodily injury or harm will occur if they safely and carefully practice what they observe. Anyway these are also the simple forms of exercise which can be done by various age groups. Easy to apply and fun to abide. I selected which web 2.0 tools which would be my contributing nodes by looking at the frequent times I access that web 2.0 tools. It has to be of some importance to my social network activity and entertainment as well as a vista for information. I choose the most popular, exciting and the most happening web 2.0 tools. I also base it on my current access to these web 2.0 tools. The web 2.0 tools also should be able to give me the required information, allow me to receive input and comments and enhance the creativity and dynamic design of my blog.

 These contributing nodes reflect on my theme and style in a suitable way. I was able to create a profile badge through Facebook. You tube gave me appropriate videos for my title and twitter gives me an idea on the way people comment on my blog. My blog is commented by very few words such as good, exciting and good to know. This blog is also my gateway to my fifteen minutes of fame. (Weinberger 2002, 104). Often a small audience of fifteen people is sufficient for my blog. I wanted my blog design to be simple yet unique and goes straight to the point of my theme. I also make it as personalise as I can to reflect my own personality.

 These contributing nodes reflect precisely what I have in mind for this title. It suits the title in a clear way and emphasis exactly what posts I would like to update on my blog. I learned about blogging on week 4 where blogging is like a community. Posts have to be updated often and it appears in sequence time. A blog can remain anonymous. Not only is it interactive but it is open-ended in a subjective form where bloggers can leave comments in a conversational mode. I have always been fascinated with blogs and this is my opportunity to use one. A friend of mine previously has also told me to start a blog. My lecturer in class also states that many of the senior students chose to use blogger. These contributing nodes reflect my theme and style in a suitable and appropriate way where anyone can view and comment on them. It is also easy and straightforward for you need to only click on these nodes to share to others or to post on other tools.

Facebook is one of my contributing nodes as I use it often in a day. It is my broadcast medium towards a larger audience that includes my friends and families. Facebook also gives me feedback and comments on my posts. I have received several comments through Facebook. How do I post my blog on Facebook? I click on the share button and then I share it on my wall. I also added a blog roll that provide a list of other blogs that I frequently check up on.

 The second contributing node I chose is you tube. This is a very interesting and engaging form of entertainment and information. I use you tube to collect suitable videos on Forms of exercise. After selecting potential videos that run for about 3-4 minutes, I click the add button below and add them to my blogger. This node keeps my blog dynamic and gives a broader view of my topic.

 The third contributing node is probably not as strong as the first two since I seldom use twitter. However I have posted my schedule and videos on to twitter but there was not much feedback save for a few from my followers. Feedback given were interesting topic, cool and exercise is fun. "The World Health Organisation says a sedentary life is one of the ten leading causes of death and disability, and lack of activity leads to more than 2 million deaths annually."  (Les Snowden)

 As often as possible in a week, I will update on my post with comments. I have posted about five posts so far in two months and received several comments on them. These posts are shown on the blog archive. The dates show when the post is posted on the blog. I have posted not only videos but several photos as well. There are also some input given by me on the videos that I searched on you tube. Finally my aim is not to have the most popular blog but to simply have an active and on-going online journal where I can share my interest that best reflects on my personality as an individual.


Rettberg, J., (2008), Blogs, Communities and Networks in Blogging. Polity Press; Cambridge. (2008). State of the Blogosphere 2008. Retrieved May 14th, 2009, from

Friday 13 April 2012

Time Management for a regular exercise routine

Sticking to your Exercise Programme

It is vital to keep up your exercise programme.  Studies indicate that 50% of people who start an exercise programme, dropout.  If you stop you will lose the benefits very quickly.  This is why it is vital to choose an exercise you enjoy.  Research by behavioural psychologist shows that it takes about 3 weeks for a new habit to become automatic.  


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How to Breathe properly

Research has shown that Tai Chi is an excellent relaxation technique and can be a very useful stress management tool. We discuss Tai Chi in more depth later in this session.

There are many ways to breathe. With this form of tai chi, we go back to the basics. Scientifically, one is suppose to inhale thru their nose and exhale thru their mouth. Your nose hairs filter the air with your inhale. While exhaling thru your mouth, your stomach exercises the organs in your midsection gently. Many people do not know how to breathe properly. With our breathing, take your inhale to 80-85% fullness. When exhaling, leave 10-15% in your lungs. Never hold, force, pause or stop your breath. Breathing should be a continous slow, natural, deep cycle. No one really truely exercises their lungs. You can run 5 miles a day, but your lungs are going fast and shallow. Tai chi allows your lungs to be streched and exercised. By doing this type of breathing, your lungs will adapt and open, allowing more natural oxygen to flood your body. This extra oxygen will help heal your body, increase circulation, level hormones and NATURALLY bring your body back to the prime state of health.

Relaxation breathing,  it forms the basis of many different types of relaxation techniques.  It is a simple technique but its potential for lowering our stress levels should not be under estimated.  Diaphragmatic breathing stimulates the relaxation response and so reduces stress.


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